Kevin's Blog

Monday, March 28, 2005

Guitar Chords for Porcelain


Bb Bb7 Fm Eb

Everloving Tab by Moby @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

Everloving Tab by Moby @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com: "Everloving Tab by Moby, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com"

Moby "Everloving" Guitar tabs

Moby "Everloving" Guitar tabs: "Guitar tabs for
Moby: Everloving"

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Social PVRs from PARC

"Indeed, in many ways, Social TV will be similar to the Instant Messenger you already use on your computer. Only it will be more dynamic: Social TV software, located on a device like TiVo or even your TV set, might notice that your and your buddy’s yacking has gone well past the commercial break. The software would conclude that you are no longer watching the show and, perhaps, pause the program until you are ready to resume, says Nic Ducheneaut, member of PARC research staff."

Social Software for Set-Top boxes...

Imagine a buddy-list on your television that you could bring onto your screen with the merest tap of a 'friends' key on your remote control. The buddy list would be the first stage of an interface that would let you add and remove friends, and see what your friends are watching in real-time - whether they be watching live television or something stored on their PVRs. Adding friends would be simple - you could enter letters on screen using your remote, or browse your existing friends' contact lists.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Why You Should Never Do Laundry At Work

When she was going about her daily routine, this Googler wasn't expecting company.
-- GoogleBlog

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Eclipse Profiler Plugin

Eclipse Profiler Plugin: "Eclipse Profiler Plugin"

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Create Your Own South Park Character

Totally freaking awesome!

Eye Tracking of Google Results Page

Two search marketing companies and an eye-tracking firm called Eyetools have produced one of the most interesting studies of consumer response to a Google results page. By tracking eye movements, a picture emerges of the hot spots on a results pasge, outside of which a listing or sponsored listing is not likely to be noticed.

-- the unofficial google weblog

Monday, March 07, 2005

U.N. Landmine Commerical Too Graphic for US Airwaves

A U.N. commercial depicts American girls playing in a soccer match. A girl steps on a landmine and there's a big explosion. Kids get blown apart. CNN and other networks don't want to air the ad.

-- from BoingBoing

Thursday, March 03, 2005

TPS: Superfriends meet Office Space

Check it out! Posted by Hello

Two computers? Two iTunes libraries? No problem!

If you’re anything like we are, you’ve got umpteen music files spread willy-nilly across computers and platforms, and all too often the song you want to hear doesn’t live on the machine you happen to be closest to. Enter syncOtunes, an application built just for types like us, that will help you create one iTunes library to rule them all. It works by comparing the two libraries across your home network and mirroring the missing files from each system to the other. Then, just import the folder of merged tracks into iTunes via an AppleScript that will automagically trash any errant duplicates. Originally developed for the Mac, version 0.95 introduces a beta version for Windows. Oh — did we mention it’s free?