The new Apple iMac G5 has put the entire G5 computer into a sleak, stylish monitor that's clutter free, sexy, and damn usable thanks to Apple's UI team.
The Virtual AGC (Apollo Guidance Clock) allows you to emulate Apollo mission time on your computer. The catch? This lovely open sourcing of software from the 1960s only goes as high as 24 hours.
CMSC 433 was one of the most professionally helpful classes I took at UMD and the lecture notes are a superb reference. Of particular interest are the threading and RMI notes.
File Chopper is an open source file managment tool written in .NET which allows you to split large files into smaller pieces. Very helpful for managing those large multimedia files.
frog design, inc. is a design firm that made a new computer for disney. slashdot comments noted that they are an interesting design firm (they did the original Macintosh SE). Perhaps similiar to IDEO as far as interesting-design-companies-to-work-for.