My New Favorite TV Show: Veronica Mars

Kristen Bell as Veronica Mars
Okay, so as many of you may (or may not) know, a few years ago my favorite show was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show had everything: great writing, wonderful characters, action, suspense, and some actors/actresses that weren't too bad on the eyes. Mainly, I feel in love with Joss Whedon's writing/directing. (Note: One of my favorite DVD sets is the Firefly series.. and yes, I'm totally psyched about Serenity) So, with seven seasons of Buffy and the Firefly DVD set that I love, I took note earlier this summer when Joss was quoted as saying the following about Veronica Mars:
* "Best. Show. Ever."
* "I've never gotten more wrapped up in a show I wasn't making."
* "These guys know what they are doing on a level that intimidates me."
* "It's the Harry Potter of shows."
-- via TVSquad
So, I went to TiVO and got a season pass. I also caught up on Season 1. After seeing all of Season 1 and being floored by the Season 2 premiere last night, I have to say that Veronica Mars is one of the most interesting, heart-warming, and well-written TV shows that I have ever seen. It is on par with the first three seasons of Buffy, all of Firefly, and I have to admit that I like it more than the first two seasons of Alias. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see some good television.
And turns out that the people at Veronica Mars are Joss fans: Not only does Buffy/Angel star Charisma Carpenter has a recurring role this season, but Zap2it reports that Joss Whedon will be guest starring in an episode this season.
Veronica Mars is on Wednesdays, 9 p.m. on UPN.