Kevin's Blog

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

stupid finals

i'm just five finals away from being a college graduate.

hmm, somehow that seems like one of those discount cards... buy ten and the 11th is free!

free diploma with four years of suffering?

actually, i shouldn't talk. i love school. and despite the amazing-cool factor that my job has, i know that part of me will miss it. but i'm not really leaving. i've cooked up several small research projects that i'll be working on in industry. i'll be examining software engineering techniques and seeing how to apply fault tolerance and design patterns to the software development cycle to achieve productivity gains.

right now i'm kicking around ideas of this sort for a PhD thesis. i think i'd be really interesting to explore IDEs, particularly in regards to HCI and design patterns. so much of computer programming boils down to just being a code monkey that there simply must be a way to create a very intutive, highly-informative development environment that leverages the benefits of OOP, design patterns, and other helpful techniques to create a highly-productive software development environment.

of course such a projects is rather nebulous and could be the topic of several PhD disserations, hence my desire to go into industry for a few years so that i can pound out a few of these ideas and see what is left standing after gaining some real world experience/widsom.

ah well, back to practicing guitar.